z510 fit-pc2 running full screen full speed using xine

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z510 fit-pc2 running full screen full speed using xine

Post by vtailor »

I am enclosing a screen photo of xine running streaming video and audio on my z510 with perfect continuous motion and excellent sound synchronization under RIPLinuX, a simplified slackware derivative with its own fbdev_drv.so graphics and the 3.4.8 zenwalk kernel. What is annoying is that results vary from one distribution to the other, so that Zenwalk itself is unable to do full screen with xine without freezing or greatly slowing down.

Also, the conventions for getting audio out of the fit-pc2 seem to vary with the cpu, so that my z530 needs to put the analog sound plug into the spdif outlet and my z510 needs to put the analog sound plug into the headphone logo outlet. Maybe I have bought enough copies of both fit-pc2 models so that the recent ones are improvements over the originals, but I figured out how to "switch on" the analog sound on the most recent z510 using a "PCM switch" that gives excellent lip synchronization without resorting to the external USB sound device approach. It helps to have either the Zenwalk volume control and turn on the PCM switch or the Absolute Linux 'alsamixer-qt4' volume control. Which shows the eclectic nature of Slackware distributions, borrowing from one another because of having the same 'pkgtool' package tool program for using publicly available repositories.
Full motion, full speed excellent sound streaming xine video under RIPLinuX.
Full motion, full speed excellent sound streaming xine video under RIPLinuX.
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Posts: 229
Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:54 pm

Re: z510 fit-pc2 running full screen full speed using xine

Post by vtailor »

This is today's version of the previous photo. I am showing it because I have a theory that turning the case on its side allows for better cooling of top and bottom surfaces of the case, and might be an optimal approach to controlling case temperature. At the moment, the case is standing vertical on a semi-metal stand I scrounged from my collection. Note that getting a usb wifi dongle to work involves testing which usb outlet in back works best.
screencap.png (352.69 KiB) Viewed 10027 times

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