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No UEFI DVD Boot drive in SecureCore Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:53 pm
by emurach
Ok a new bare bone Intense PC Pro with the version 337 Phoenix Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS. Added the 16Gb of memory, the Samsung 840pro, and a 802.11ac WiFi radio. Hardware all that left is the mSATA drive.

A Blue Ray/DVD is connected to USB3 or USB 2 Port. (Tried both)

Bios sees the Drive as a normal Legacy DVD device. Now normally to Load Win7 x64 Pro under UEFI vise Legacy BIOS. You Install the DVD. Reboot. If you go into BIOS you then two DVD drive choices to boot. Legacy DVD and UEFI DVD. You must boot from the UEFI DVD to install Win 7 x64 under UEFI and get the EFI and MSR partitions.

I can't seem to get the UEFI DVD boot drive option here! I enabled "UEFI boot" in the BIOS. I also noticed the bios has Internal Shell which is the UEFI shell and it can launch into the Shell. So its got be UEFI BIOS. Though not clear how it did that since normally that stored on the EFI Partition in a folder. And that not been made nor loaded here as yet. There is clearly some other storage area some where you place the EFI shell v2.33. I'd like details on that. When it's on the EFI FAT32 Partition #0 it's upgradable. I've know I've done twice on my laptop which uses Tiano.

But, back to point. HOW DO WE THE OWNERS GET THE UEFI DVD BOOT option to show up in the boot menu choices. Clearly something is wrong here from the norm. One part of me says this is a UEFI BIOS and the other says it's not.

I'm stopping the build on these and would like answers.

The customer.

I'll keep play on my end maybe I'll figure this out but please get back to me on your end fast. Time a ticking. No answer and i'll just have to send them back. Vise take a loss on my end.

OK Here's the work around to load UEFI WIN7 x64 OS

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:10 am
by emurach
1/ Power up Intense PC. Press F5 to get to the BOOT MENU

2/ select INTERNAL SHELL. This load the EFI 2.31 Shell

3/ at prompt "SHELL>" type "MAP" enter. this lists the devices. ie: the drives. More than likely "fs0:" is your DVDROM drive.

4/ at prompt "SHELL>" type "fs0:" enter. this switched to the fs0 drive. The CD's EFI.

5/ at prompt "fs0:" type "ls" enter. This list the folders. You should see "/EFI". If you do your in the right area.

6/ at prompt "fs0:" type "\EFI\BOOTX64.EFI" enter. this launches the Windows 7 x64 EFI boot manager. You see Press any key to boot DVD or CD come up. press a key.

7/ BAM you drop out of shell to Windows 7 which is booting up into UEFI mode. Just hit for "Windows Setup" .

8/ I deleted the former legacy partitions and it created the proper EFI partition. Normal order is Partition 0 ESP, 1 MSR, 2 OS. It must follow this order.

Have a nice day the customer. Ps. I still want THAT bios so get a UEFI DVD Boot option on the boot menu when a UEFI DVD is in the drive. THen nobody needs to play around in shell to much.


Re: No UEFI DVD Boot drive in SecureCore Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:44 am
by gabrielh
Try to transfer the installation media to an USB drive and install it from there

You can use the attached image to prepare your USB drive for the EFI installation, and then simply copy the entire DVD to the USB root folder ...

Re: No UEFI DVD Boot drive in SecureCore Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:24 am
by emurach

I don't need to do that. My method worked fine from the efi shell.

The Bios still needs fixed.

Re: No UEFI DVD Boot drive in SecureCore Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:27 am
by gabrielh
I can't reproduce your issue. Using the lates BIOS, the Windows 7 setup DVD boots in UEFI mode without any flaws on my side.

Re: No UEFI DVD Boot drive in SecureCore Tiano 2.2 UEFI BIOS

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:01 pm
by emurach

So outside the normal NON UEFI DVD Drive, your telling me you got the 2nd "UEFI DVD drive" boot choice with your Win7x64 disk installed in a DVD drive connected to the usb port?

I never got that. I tried different win7 disks. A Ubuntu disk. and the rear usb 2.0/3.0 ports. Just didn't happen. I only had one DVD drive choice. The NON UEFI Drive.

The menu choice didn't appear. That's why I used the EFI shell to execute the windows EFI Boot loader from the standard non UEFI drive choice.

Note I could always boot the Win7x64 PRO DVD and install it. But, Not in UEFI mode. That meant it wouldn't create the ESP (EFI) partition as partition 0 on the disk.

Try again. I'd double check your findings with a windows 7x64 install.
Use ADMIN CMD PROMPT "DISKPART". Tell me what partition windows creates for Partition 0, 1 and 2 by default. If partition 0 isn't an ESP(EFI) partition and your OS partition isn't a GPT disk. Then, you didn't boot the DVD disk with the EFI boot loader.

Do keep in mind. There really is only one DVD drive here . The UEFI DVD boot selection is just a quick selection trick that recognizes that there is a EFI boot loader in the existing EFI directory. It just makes it easier to launch the loader without having to know EFI SHELL.