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Re: All downloads are corrupted

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:18 am
by irads
I'm out of ideas.
Many users in including myself use fit-PC2 for downloads with no such problem. If there was some evidence of a HW problem in Ethernet, memory or disk I would suggest a unit replacement - we will accept it if you want ( but if it solves the problem I would be very surprised.

Re: All downloads are corrupted

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:25 pm
by b4tin

I really appreciate all the time and help you've given. This is a frustrating problem. Since I have a wireless laptop and 2 wired ethernet computers (as well as the previous machine that the fit-PC2 replaced) in my network that have never had problems downloading files of any size, I have to assume that there is either a hardware or software issue with my fit-PC2.

It's unfortunate that I can't find a definitive thing to change that isolates the problem. I was really hoping to uncover some software issue beyond the scope of my knowledge that could just be corrected, but at the moment I still don't even know if it a hardware issue, a software issue, a hard disk issue, an OS install issue or whatever else could cause this kind of behavior.

I have no doubt that other fit-PC2 machines can download just fine, however mine does not. Something is wrong with it, I just have no idea what. Believe me, I am probably the last person that wants to be without my fit-PC2 for a few weeks because I need to RMA it. I too am running out of things to try though. Most internet searches I've done have not provided any new insights on how to isolate the issue.


Re: All downloads are corrupted

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:06 pm
by AoRaToS
I would try booting with a Ubuntu Linux Live CD and download from there, if it works that way, it's not the hardware and it's probably Windows itself rather than your browser which you already checked...

Do that so that you don't have o RMA for no reason...
Also check the Event Viewer in Windows to see if it reports any problems such as reaching limits...

Re: All downloads are corrupted

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:01 am
by b4tin

I discovered the culprit. It was the AVG antivirus software I installed the very first day I booted up the fit-PC2.

I uninstalled AVG and turned off the Windows Firewall and did some more download tests. They all worked! I then turned the Firewall back on and all test downloads still worked. I downloaded and installed a different antivirus program (Avira) and all downloads still worked!!

I don't know if it was a bad download or install of AVG or if there is some issue with it and large downloads, but I am content with Avira for now.

Thanks again for the time you spent helping me search for answers.