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Problem with Graphic driver..??

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:11 am
by SylwerDragon
I've problem with my fitpc-2. Everything happened about weak ago. My Windows 7 didn't start. something was wrong. after a while I decided I can do only one thing. I installed W7 again but from that moment I have just problems. My video isn't playing smoothly I can hear beeps(in video when watching film) or lack of sounds for a white( one second or so)...after that video continue again. In windows is Windows Experience Index Rating and I can't run it I tried 4 or 5 times ..4 times it just froze(including windows) and fifth time Windows said it is not possible asses my MEDIA DECODING PERFORMANCEe(windows driver stoped working and recovering)...

sometimes my lcd monitor just switch off and on monitor is message this video format is not supported or something like that. or video signal is just off and that is all...

before My results were:
CPU 100% 1.6GHz


but now nothing

After this i installed new windows 7 on different hard drive but with same result, everything is working but when i want play video and most often on full screen there is always some problem with sound in video. I don't mean HD video but only usual video divx, xvid ....H264 ... and all these worked fine but now i have problem with them(I tried Windows media player also media player classic, vlc but with same result). I tried new video drivers and nothing ..after that i tried old one but with same result. I even downloaded new driver directly from intel but nothing... same result.I downloaded again all drivers from website but same result....

Can you help me with this problem?

MY Os is Windows 7 Ultimate, I have new bios update new graphic driver. K-little codec pack,Avira AntiVir personal, All updates in Windows

Re: Problem with Graphic driver..??

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:48 pm
by per
Hi I wrote about similar problems yesterday and now you have confirmed what I found. I have a fit-PC2 1.6Ghz bought last week.

I was sure that when I first installed the W7 drivers (from fit-PC site) it allowed me to set the resolution to 1920 and all seemd fine and I watched an episode of Top Gear using VLC.

Next day when I tried to watch another episode also with VLC the result was as you describe it, i.e. sound very broken and the screen pixelizing. Full screen viewing very bad.

I was sure I had used VLC with the W7 drivers, but was confused as I couldn't understand why a driver would go bad after a while. Anyway, I ended up cleaning out the whole system (i.e. uninstalling all programs and drivers) and then starting from scratch again. This time I installed the W7 drivers from Intel which is a more recent version and not using the setup program as it seems to install lots of other things as well. Instead I just updated the driver in the device manager.

With that VLC works better, the sound works but the audio/video in full screen mode is out of sync.

Another interesting thing is that after I started to test the video drivers (making setup changes) I could only get the resolution up to a max of 1680.

My Windows Experience Index Rating was with the old video driver
Processor 2.2
RAM 4.2
Graphics 2.9
Gaming 2.3
HD 5.9

Now with the new driver it is
Processor 2.2
RAM 4.2
Graphics 4.4
Gaming 2.3
HD 5.9

I also find that the CPU % in the Task Manager on this computer is a bit high for no reason. When I have no programs running, no internet connection and leave the computer for a while it still hovers around 5% (higher before I removed all drivers). On another brand new computer (hp Pavilion dm1) with lots of open processes and internet connection it goes down to 0% if I leave the computer for a while.

Is this really only a driver problem?