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Problems connecting to an HDMI TV

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:31 pm
by spark240
Either way, I still cannot get it to work on my TV ?

Problems connecting to an HDMI TV

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:17 pm
by fluffycloud

You mentioned that you could reset the display to vga sizes and you did get a picture... so, it's obviously functional (ie: not hardware problem)...

What video mode are you looking to set it to that doesn't work?

I am assuming you got a XP model, and have not put Win7 on it yet, based on your previous posts, if this is wrong, please correct.

Are you running the Intel video drivers for the GMP500 or the 'generic' ones?


Re: Just got it

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:07 pm
by spark240
Hi Fluffy, Yes its got xp, and no win7, I have booted it up, enabled vga mode and thats it, the I get a small picture and a message saying that it is in a low 8bit graphics mode, do I want to change it, if I select yes I am able to change to 16bit or 32bit, this is when the picture goes slightly off the screen, just enough so you cant see the start button etc.
I have been through all the resolution settings ( I think !) most just make the picture massive, others make it go altogether, then I have to connect to my Vaio to reset the resolution.

Not sure about the intel thing, can you exlain more?

Just frustrating as I am no pc expert and I half expected it would just work out the box.

Re: Just got it

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:36 am
by fluffycloud
What's the highest video mode your TV supports in progressive mode? All reports I've read will do funny things if you try and use a dvi port in an interlaced mode.

I have read that you can set your monitor driver to whatever you want as long as that monitor has the resultions you're trying to use.

If your monitor is something like 1080i/720p then the highest you're going to go is NNNx720. I've heard there's various software on the market to correct 'overscan', which is where the video displays, but looks like it is too big for the screen.

Do you know what the native resolution of your tv is? reguardless of what it 'supports', any LCD screen has an actual number of pixels that it turns on and off, and while it can pretend to do different modes, it's just that same number of pixels being set to half-tones, and hence blurry. It behooves you to research how many pixels are physically present, and then set your resolution to exactly that number.

As for the driver thing, when you boot into "vga mode" it specificly uses 'generic' video drivers that are the lowest common denominator built into the OS. the video modes it presents while using the generic driver are not necessarily available or supported, they're just very low guesses.

Once you're at a low res and can boot normally into that res, you can ask it to use the video drivers for the video card you're using, namely the Intel GMP500. If you can boot into a low res with the actual Intel drivers, now you have a chance at trying to change other settings.

Wish I could be more clear on hooking up XP to a tv, but none of my 3 windows laptops have a DVI port, so I use my macbook when I want computer video, and it "just works".


Disclaimer: The above advice is merely from my own personal experience using XP on a whole bunch of different machines and I do not claim to be any sort of 'professional' or 'expert'.

Re: Just got it

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:58 am
by spark240

Thanks for taking the time to help, you need to get some sleep at night !
I will check out the info you have asked tonight, would you beleive I have mailed Anders ( who I bought from) last friday, and they havent responded yet, mailed them again last night so we wait..........



Re: Just got it

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:36 pm
by spark240
Well, Anders replied, still banging on about booting in vga blah blah blah.....done all that, change the resolution...........done all that, fobbed me off about the lack of wi-fi, why show website pictures of what they MIGHT have someday? It still dont work.
I'm going to send it back, its not ready for Joe public to use yet. Hoepfully they will sort the issues and then I might get one.

Re: Just got it

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:19 pm
by spark240
I will post a picture of my TV display as irads has suggested.