Restoration Of A Flood Damaged fitlet

Application notes using fitlet. Credit goes to user Hassellbear for publishing more than enough cool application notes to justify a dedicated sub-forum.

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Restoration Of A Flood Damaged fitlet

Post by hassellbear »

If there ever were any doubts about the quality and resilience of fitlet, the story which follows should allay those concerns.

During the period of August 12 - 14, 2016, the part of southeast Louisiana where I reside received record-setting, torrential rainfall. A low pressure system stalled over the region and produced rainfall amounts of 20 inches and more over a broad area. What followed was what has been described as a 1000 year, record setting flood which inundated more than 100,000 homes and countless businesses.

Like may others, my home flooded and most of family's possessions were destroyed. The water reached a depth of 40 inches in my home which exceeded the height of tables and cabinets. Thankfully, my family escaped with our lives and our health - everything else is relatively unimportant and can be replaced over time.

One little bright spot in this whole ordeal is the recovery and restoration of fitlet. fitlet was submerged for 2 days, and was neglected for almost 2 months after the flood until I was able to make time to work on it.

See below.

The Rain Event
Flood1.jpg (362.65 KiB) Viewed 56195 times

Boating In To Rescue My Wife
Flood2.jpg (3.68 MiB) Viewed 56195 times

After The Water Receded - Fitlet Is On The Table
Flood3.jpg.JPG (1.34 MiB) Viewed 56195 times

Fitlet - As Recovered - It Doesn't Look Good
Flood4.jpg (3.56 MiB) Viewed 56195 times

Fitlet Disassembled Prior To Cleaning - Grime and Corrosion
Flood5.JPG (2.29 MiB) Viewed 56195 times

The Cleaning Process
Flood8.JPG (2.04 MiB) Viewed 56178 times
1. Dishwashing Detergent - Clean/wash case components
2. Isopropyl Alcohol - Clean/flush circuit boards
3. Caig Laboratories Cramolin R-5L - Clean and remove oxidation from connectors, controls, and circuit board solder pads
4. Caig Laboratories DeoxIT D5 - Clean, remove oxidation from, and protect controls and connectors.

Fitlet After Cleaning and Drying - It Almost Looks New
Flood6.JPG (3.7 MiB) Viewed 56178 times

Fitlet - Back In Operation - Amazing!!!
Flood7.jpg (4.56 MiB) Viewed 56195 times


Re: Restoration Of A Flood Damaged fitlet

Post by irads »

A fascinating story. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiring projects done with fitlet so far. We are looking forward to your upcoming projects.
On behalf of Compulab I wish you and your dear ones quick recovery and returning to normal life.


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