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failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:25 am
by LG1
i am not sure what the problem is and if its fitpc2 related but i have the following problem

i got the fitpc2 to run as a 24/7 server.
low power use and small.

last evening the system worked fine but this morning i can no longer remote loging and can not connect to my fitpc2.

i installed the embedded driver so i can leave the fitpc2 without monitor and also do not have a mouse or keyboard connected.

i just connected a monitor to see if there was any image and i got the screen saver logo just running fine.
so no crash.
i connected a mouse and keyboard but these do not respond.

now i have to reset the fitpc2 using the power button hold and reboot the system.
strange that the system wil no longer see the usb devices.

maybe its software related or maybe not but i am going to try and fined this out.
until now it olny happens at night.
during the day i have not yet run into any trouble
the system run for about 7 hours before i got up this morning and found out it no longer responded on the ethernet or usb keyboard when connected.

i think i am going to install the watchdog software and see if maybe any virus scanners running at night would halt the system in any way.

anyone any tips?

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:39 am
by LG1
ok the watchdog is not working.

i installed the watchdog driver with the supplyed .bat file
and did a command promt watchdog.exe enable 255

then i also set in the bios the wachtdog to enable and 255.

but after 4,5 min the systems resets.. when windows is running without a problem and without any damanding ( nothing at all ) software working
cpu load is almost idle.

stupid thing is when i have the watchdog disables in the bios the software driver in windows still resets the pc.......
thats useless.

maybe still buggy?

also when i have the watchdog enabled in the bios and shutdown windows normally instead of going off the system starts up again.
when i disable the watchdog again in the bios the system shutsdown normally and the fitpc2 is off.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:18 am
by irads
For the USB issue try setting in BIOS C-States to "GV3 Only".
Watchdog was tested and found to be working fine. I believe you did not run watchdog.exe periodically.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:38 am
by LG1
irads wrote:For the USB issue try setting in BIOS C-States to "GV3 Only".
Watchdog was tested and found to be working fine. I believe you did not run watchdog.exe periodically.
i just found out that my virus/spam/malware protecting halted the use of watchdog registry entry.

so i will try and see if that works now.

about the bios i will have a look but is this setting gv3only not standard? and if so it already is set to that state.
but i will report back.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:19 am
by LG1
ok.. wel a update

tonight it did not fail

i deinstalled 1 program that was moniting the HD and i have the screen mouse and keyboard connected.

i am going to disconnect those for tonight to see if its still running tomorrow morning.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:57 pm
by LG1
irads wrote:For the USB issue try setting in BIOS C-States to "GV3 Only".
Watchdog was tested and found to be working fine. I believe you did not run watchdog.exe periodically.
best irads
i changed that setting but no luck with the usb

the watchdog was solved do to a virus program keeping watchdog from making a registry edit to make it run.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:52 am
by irads
Please describe the symptoms you are observing now with USB.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:37 am
by LG1
irads wrote:Please describe the symptoms you are observing now with USB.

when i boot the system with out usb keyboard and mouse
and then when the system is running in side windows and i connect the keyboard and mouse those do not responde.
normally windows wil detect a usb device and you can use it.

i have a external usb harddrive connected and when this is connected the system crashes.
i also get messsages telling me file writes to this drive is failing
but have no problem when i have it connected to my laptop ( just like know and i am running tests on that drive to see if under load i get the same problems or not )
i now do not have the external drive connected to the fitpc2 and do not YET ( so not 100% )have any problem but wil monitor it closely and report back.
to me it seems that there is a problem with or the usb drivers ( maybe in combination with the us15w chipset drivers? ) or the usb of the board it self ( maybe bios related )
your advise setting the bios to sv3 only did not solve anything ( it was already at this setting )
i only change one thing and thats the bios vga memoy from 265 to 128

i got a screen saver from windows and when this happens i no longer can connect to the pc remotely.
i disabled that screen saver in the registry ( it was already disabled in the screen saver settings but still working )
when i then want to take local control again and connect the usb keyboard i get into problem number 2.


i did find this ... 48578.html
and also i found some info that there are troubles with video drivers crashing remote desktop sessions
but in my case the remote desktop session is still active but i can no longer connect to my network shares running on the fitpc2 and i only have a freeze of the last thing watching on the fitpc2.
i do not have this problem with other pc's.
also when this happens the usb drive is also lost.

edit 2
i thing i am going to disable the gma500 drivers.

edit 3 11-7-2010 12:34
i uninstalled the gma500 embedded driver ~1 hour ago
no problem as of yet
i do get the message if i want to install the correct driver after booting again but i leave that as is.
i do not have a monitor or any usb device connected and still get full headless operation )

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:04 pm
by LG1
when i connect a usb keyboard or mouse when booted without them before those did not work and now thy do ;-) after deinstalled the gma500 embedded driver
did not yet install the normal driver.

Re: failure when using as a 24/7 server

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:37 pm
by irads
I suggest you use IEGD driver instead of GMA500.
Your hard disk may get insufficient power from USB. You should connect to two USB ports with a split USB cable.